Monday, February 22, 2016

#Businesslessons #CEOlessons #leadershiplessons

My two-bits as a CEO, #entrepreneur, #founder and #startup

1. Focus on  building differentiation for your company, not on the bottom-line. For a strong bottom-line is merely the outcome of a uniquely differentiated company.

2. Don't waste time looking for the perfect team. Instead understand the potential of your current team and put all your effort in optimizing their output.

3. An organizational culture is nothing but a manifestation of your own personality. Therefore your organization's culture cannot be built by posters and emails. It will be built by your own behavior.

4. Your longevity at the company's helm is equally a function of how you handle your investors as much as your handling of their investment :)

5. Your greatest enemy is isolation. The more you find yourself spending time with yourself and taking decisions based on your own gut-feel, greater is the chance of them being wrong. The greatest of leaders aren't those who come up with the best solutions always. On the other hand, they are those who know how to identify and spot the right solutions consistently from the multitude thrown up by their own team members.

6. Every leader has an expiry date. Instead of focusing on the length and time-span, work towards having an impact in that duration. That is what will be remembered.

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